The trend to do background checks for all employees is spreading in government. Recently two counties in different states joined the bandwagon.

Montgomery County, Texas, just north of Houston, and Lee County, Florida are two of the most recent converts to the “check ’em all” movement. There are two big reasons why more and more government agencies and private employers are following suit.

Companies and government agencies want to protect their people and their assets from employees who may abuse their position of trust. They also want to make sure that they’re doing everything they can as part of due diligence hiring, just in case they wind up getting sued.

Lee Country has gone farther than most government agencies. Here’s how the Sanford Herald puts it.

According to an ordinance unanimously approved by the Lee County Board of Commissioners Monday, all final applicants, vol­unteers, interns and any person working in any youth sport, pro­gram or activity in the county will be subjected to a background check to be administered by the Lee County Sheriff’s Department.

Before the ordinance was passed, the county only required background checks on potential employees in the county Department of Social Services, Sheriff’s Office, animal control officers and “key positions in governance.” Changing the rules means that the hiring procedures will have to change as well.

“It will pretty much change the whole way we make a hire,” said Lee County Human Resources Director Joyce McGehee. “But in today’s world, it is very important to know who we are hiring and letting coach our kids.”

By Published on: September 5th, 2007Categories: Uncategorized1 Comment on Check ‘em all, check ‘em all

One Comment

  1. Bridgette September 8, 2007 at 5:19 PM - Reply

    This is a conspiracy to keep low income people in poverty.Lee county looks out for the tourists, that is why the market is suffering. There are no affordable homes on the market.
    Lee county Human resources, a joke……..background check done on particular citizens, low income and already have minor arrest. Therefore, employees refuse to hire.
    But, teachers and doctors have arrest records and get a slap on the wrist, or a brief probation.Meanwhile, they still get a job or keep the current one…….

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