Sometimes all you can do is chuckle: Wikipedia

Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that purports to know about almost everything, seems to have missed important information about one of its own. The Wikimedia Foundation is the non-profit arm of Wikipedia.

The Foundation’s now-former COO, Carolyn Bothwell Doran was originally hired after being sent over as a part-time bookkeeper by a temp agency. It’s not clear how she rose to the COO position.

As COO, Doran was responsible for personnel management, with access to sensitive personal information. She was responsible for financial management with access to financial records. She prepared and filed the foundation’s tax return. That’s the kind of person you want to be able to trust.

But Doran had a secret. Actually, she had several secrets.

She was on probation for a 2004 hit-and-run accident. She served seven months in jail for that one, but it was only the tip of the iceberg. Doran also had multiple drunken-driving convictions, and a record that included theft, writing bad checks and wounding her boyfriend with a gunshot to the chest.

Well, Wikipedia has since fired her. The web site reports on the reaction of Wikipedia founder Jimmie Wales and adds their own acerbic comment on the benefits of background checks.

Wales’ message […]