Dodging a bullet

Lots of organizations begin an aggressive or comprehensive background check program because of something that happens to them. A violent attack or a charge of sexual misconduct or theft against an employee provides a wake-up call and the organization starts or improves a program of background checks.

The case at the University of Colorado is different. They’re going to start checking the background on all employees because of something that didn’t happen.

An editorial in the Canon City Daily Record titled, “Universities need to look into background for all employees” tells the story. Here’s a summary.

Kenton Drew Astin was hired by the University of Colorado to work at the University Memorial Center. He was no longer employed by the university when he was accused of stabbing a university freshman.

University officials probably first heaved a sigh of relief when they realized that Astin used to work for them. Then reality set in and they also realized that it just makes good sense to do everything you can to prevent people who may be violent from working for you in the first place.

According to the Daily Record, a news release announced that the university will now check the background of everyone they […]