Red flags for new employees

There’s an interesting discussion going on at the EvilHR Lady Blog about “Red Flags” and hiring. It got me thinking about some basic things you should do when you receive an employment application that looks good enough for you to consider the person.

A “red flag” is any indicator that you may want to find out more. You may want to clarify an issue. You may want to get more information. You may want to ask about why your applicant did something.

Before the background check

Start with the basic documents. You should have an application and a copy of the applicant’s unaltered, government-issued photo ID. You may have a resume or other documents that the applicant has shared with you.

Gaps are red flags. Go over the application. Make sure everything is filled in. If it isn’t, find out why. If there are gaps in the employment history, get an explanation. Clarify reasons for leaving previous jobs.

Inconsistencies are red flags. This sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how often employers don’t check to make sure that the names and signatures are the same everywhere. Make sure the picture on the ID looks like the applicant.

If everything still looks good, it’s time for […]