Automated background checks

At SentryLink, we like to keep up with the latest technology, so we were interested to learn about a new device that can automatically run a background check on someone entering a building. As reported on Kiosk Marketplace, a company called LobbyGuard Solutions has released a kiosk that will automatically run a background check against the national sex offender registry, as well as an optional internal list, before allowing them entry.

Here is how it works: A person swipes their driver’s license to get a visitor’s badge. The kiosk reads the information from the license, which will include name and date of birth. Using a broadband connection the kiosk then dials the home company to do the sex offender check against their database. It appears as if they are working off of the free national sex offender registry. It will also check against any “do not enter” list that the customer has set up.

While it is too soon to know if this particular device will catch on, kiosks have already proven themselves in corporate environments that are limited to employees. There are several ways in which access can be controlled, with fingerprint […]