Generation Y: Search Savvy, or Not?

It’s an article of faith that the younger generation, especially the people joining the workforce now and part of what’s called “Generation Y,” are a tech-savvy bunch. That’s surely true overall, but their savvy may not extend to protecting their privacy in important ways.

According to a news release from Adecco, a recruiting and staffing firm, “in a recent Adecco Workplace Insights survey, 66 percent of Generation Y respondents were not aware that seemingly private photos, comments and statements were audited by potential employers.”

This is an interesting finding, since more and more employers are using Google and other online sites to check out prospective employees. We’ve posted on that issue here before (see below).

If you’re an employer, the lesson may be that you still have to use judgment when evaluating an applicant and his/her history. Certainly some things that you find on your criminal records check or pre-employment credit report may be knock-out factors for you. But many times you’ll want to use them as a starting point to find out what happened and what it says about the quality and fit of the applicant you’re considering.

The same is true for what you find during checks using internet sites, only more so. If you’re using information from the net you must make sure that you’re got information on the person you’re considering. You must make sure you’ve got accurate information. And you must make a judgment based on what you find and verify.

If the Adeeco survey is right, many of […]

By |July 29th, 2007|Categories: Employment screening|

A background check to store propane?

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has decided to take aim at farmers who might have “too much” propane on hand.

According to an article in the Southerner, proposed regulations would make propane a “chemical of interest” if kept in quantities of 7500 pounds (1785 gallons) or more. That’s not an issue if you just use propane for your backyard grill, but if you’re a farmer it could cost you.

Up till now, farmers have been able to keep up to 10,000 pounds of propane for farm use without incurring any special cost or scrutiny. Eighty percent of US farms use propane, so this could affect a lot of people.

Farmers are upset about two things. First, DHS is going to run a background check on them. I’m sure the bureaucrats in Washington feel there is a need to do this, but let’s think for a moment.

Most of the farmers I know are living pretty much where they grew up. Most of them have got a substantial investment in their farm. Most of them qualify as rock-solid citizens. Sure, it’s possible that one of them is going to store propane for nefarious purposes, but my bet is that the farmer’s neighbors will spot suspicious activity faster and better than any background check.

It’s not just the background check. It’s the fee. DHS wants to charge each farmer $2,300 to $3,500 for the privilege of being evaluated. In addition to the background check, farmers will need to fill out an online survey. […]

By |July 24th, 2007|Categories: Law enforcement|

Beyond the background check

Pittston, Pennsylvania is located in the northeastern part of the state, between Scranton and Wilkes-Barre. The Wilke-Barre Times Leader reports that Pittston Area School District Superintendent Ross Scarantino and the school board have to defend the hiring of a teacher who, it turns out, was charged with a felony count of burglary in 2004.

The newly hired teacher, Kelli Diaz, was indeed charged with burglary then. But those charges were dismissed by a judge in 2005. She completed college and her student teaching. She obtained a teaching certificate. Then she applied for a job with the Pittston School District.

After interviews and a thorough background check, Ms Diaz was hired. Then an anonymous person sent a letter to the newspaper questioning the hire, based on the 2004 charges.

Both Scarantino and the Board have said that, even knowing about the charges now, they still believe that hiring Diaz was a good decision. The question is: “What could they have done differently?”

To understand what happened we need to remember that under the US Constitution, people are innocent until proven guilty. That means that when the charges were dismissed by the judge, Ms. Diaz slate for background check purposes was wiped clean.

Could the District have asked “Have you ever been arrested?” Probably not. Most employment experts would consider that a prohibited question. For a longer list, check out this article with prohibited employment screening questions by Diane Stafford from the Kansas City Star.

The School District has a solid hiring case based […]

By |July 19th, 2007|Categories: Employment screening|

Who’s got access to your data? A case for background checks

Last month the Utah Department of Corrections suspended a program where inmates were used for data-entry when it came to light that the inmates may have stolen confidential information. Last year there was a similar incident in Fresno, CA. Several years back, there were stories of inmates in state prisons gaining access to the private information of people who were customers of companies that had outsourced computer work to the prison system.

Now, there’s a story in the Financial Express of India about how Indian firms that handle business process outsourcing are starting to ramp up their background check processes because of “biased information, bad track record and poor quality of work by employees.”

With all of the outsourcing and business partnering going on in today’s increasingly flat world, security, and thus a background check, are getting more and more important. So what does that mean to you?

There’s simply no way you can check out everyone who may have access to your personal information. There’s no way you can make sure that every company you deal with is responsible about handling confidential information. But, you should be aware of the potential problems and do what you can.

If you outsource or share information with business partners about your customers, find out about their security measures. Find out if they do background checks and who they do background checks on. Find out how they handle information. If necessary, get written agreement on security and confidentiality issues.

Be watchful of your […]

By |July 17th, 2007|Categories: Employment screening|

Who watches the watchmen?

Hired any good security guards lately? Unless you’re a really big business, the answer to that question is probably, “No.”

Most small companies don’t hire security guards. Instead they contract with a security company to provide guard services. And that can be dangerous.

According to Bill Whitmore, President and CEO, AlliedBarton Security Services, quoted in Chief Engineer: “Our country has no national background check system to ensure all private security officer personnel can be quickly vetted and screened.”

Did that surprise you? The very people you’re counting on to protect your property might be people you have to worry about.

Whitmore didn’t mean that his company didn’t have access to any background check services. He does, just like you do. He was pointing out that federal records are closed to him.

There’s legislation on the way to fix the problem, supported by key security industry groups. In the meantime, though, you should think about checking any contract you have with a firm that provides you with guard services.

Ask your guard company how they screen the people they’re sending to your premises. Get your answer in writing.

Review your contract. Better yet, have your attorney review it. Find out what recourse you have if one of the contract security people is involved in criminal activities that cause you to suffer a loss.

By |July 13th, 2007|Categories: Criminal checks|

What to do when there is drug activity on your rental property

In Wooster, Ohio there’s a police detective giving landlords advice. The advice isn’t unique to his town or even to Ohio.

The fact is that in most cities, the majority of the illegal drug activity happens on rental property. A drug dealer may rent property and then use the location either as a place to sell drugs or a place for buyers to use drugs.

Many times the dealer doesn’t even need to rent the property himself. He can find a customer or associate to rent the property and then just show up and start doing business. If you’re a landlord, that can be bad for you in several ways.

Drug users are really hard on property. Ask any landlord who’s had it happen. Things get broken. Holes get punched in walls. Often, the place is wrecked.

When drug dealers move in, good tenants start moving out. It doesn’t take long before drug users are the majority.

So, watch for signs of drug activity. One of them is a sudden increase in tenant complaints about noise or rowdy activity at all hours. Your local police department can tell you others.

Since many tenants won’t complain, check out your property from time to time. Don’t just go in the middle of the afternoon. Drive by at night and on weekends.

If you think there may be drug activity on your property, contact your local police. In some jurisdictions, the police will let landlords know if there are arrests for drug activity on their property. […]

By |July 11th, 2007|Categories: Tenant screening|
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